I was recommended a specific episode of a podcast (https://julieroys.com/podcast/), and am very thankful to have found it. I'll be listening to more episodes, but wanted to put this out there. I'm hoping to speak with the author of this podcast: Julie Roys. Her motto of "Reporting the Truth; Restoring the Church" resonates as my deep desire and burden, too. This is too important as Christ's Bride, the church, makes herself ready. She mentions a verse in the episode I was recommended (Episode 051, October 7, 2020), a verse that is particularly timely and helpful to me: 1 Timothy 5:20 - "But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning."
As an image for this posting, I include the verse preceding the verse cited in the podcast, for context. I do have witnesses of sin that continues to stumble too many. God's word says to rebuke such ones publicly. Another verse, Ephesians 5:11, charges us to expose unfruitful works of darkness. There is too much corruption being covered up amongst Christian leaders who are intentional in keeping ongoing sin, and systemic corruption including abuse, secret... and the damage from such corruption and the cover-up are too serious to tolerate. Tolerating and covering up unfruitful works of darkness is unscriptural.
To be continued....
